ASTM A194 Gr 7 and A194 Gr 4 Heavy Hex Nuts difference

ASTM A194 Gr 7 vs A194 Gr 4 Heavy Hex Nuts Both ASTM A194 Grade 7 and Grade 4 Hex nuts are used assembled with ASTM A320 L7 or ASTM A193 B16 stud bolts. But in actual practice,A194 grade 4 is not reguarly available in the market.Because Grade 4 is expected to be withdrawn within approximately 2 years. Grade 7 is an acceptable substitute for Grade 4 according ASTM A194 2016 version. In the lastest ASTM A194 Standard.Grade 4 has been already withdrawn. People might have the questions,what if they still want to use A194 grade 4 nuts? Can Grade [...]