1.4980 Stud bolt

UNS S66286 Stud Bolt W.Nr.1.4980 Thread Rod

We are professional manufacturer of UNS S66286 Stud Bolt W.Nr.1.4980 Thread Rod in china UNS S66286 Stud Bolt refers to a stud bolt made from A-286 stainless steel (UNS S66286), a high-performance, iron-based superalloy that provides [...]

1.4980 Stud bolt,X6NICRTIMOVB25-15-2 Stud bolts

We are professional manufacturer of 1.4980 stud bolt,X6NICRTIMOVB25-15-2 stud bolts in china 1.4980 / X6NiCrTiMoVB25-15-2 is a low-carbon nickel-chromium-molybdenum-titanium-vanadium-boron alloy steel that is known for its excellent mechanical properties and resistance to corrosion. As a result, [...]

2023-03-05T02:45:17+00:00Categories: Nickel Alloy stud bolt|Tags: |
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